
Certifications held by Tecnologie Industriali & Ambientali S.p.A.


July 2022: UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015  certification for the following types of products, processes and services:

Design and provision services: decontamination of asbestos and soil remediation. Strip-out and demolition works.

pdfDecember 2022: ISO 14001: 2015 certification for the following activities:

 Preliminary analysis, design and supply of services for asbestos decontamination. Design and supply of land reclamation. Roofing implementation. Coordination and management of building works and ancillary plant engineering.

pdf January 2020: ISO UNI 45001:2018 certification for the following activities:

Preliminary analisys, design and supply of services for asbestos contamination (including demolition). Design and imp/ementation of reclamation of soils. Construction of roofs. Coordination and management of building works and ancil/ary plant engineering.

pdf March 2021: GLOBAL certification N° STA/0172-c for the treatment of asbestos and the following activities: external construction works, internal works of buildings, civil engineering and lands with asbestos, industrial plants, transport of materials and equipment.


The TIA group was founded after the war and became the leading asbestos removal company in Italy in the 1990s.

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Address: via Salomone 73, 20138 Milano (IT)
Phone number: +39 02 50 99 40 1
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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